Pashtun saints, sufis and derveshes
1- Rahman Baba (Abdur Rahman Mohmand)
2- Khwaja Hasan Afghan (1206–1290 A.D)
4- Haro Ana
7- Musa Darwesh
10- A ziarat (shrine) in Bust, Helmand, Afghanistan, 1959-61
13- Mausoleum of Shaikh Imam al-Din (a Khalil Pashtun), Palosai, Peshawar
Tribes and castes of Pakhtunkhwa and environs
1- Yousafzai
3- Ustarani
4- Shinwari
5- Tarklanri
6- Khogiani
7- Gandapur
9- Malikdin Khel Afridis
10- Zakha Khel Afridis
11- Barak Khattaks
12- Orakzai (and Alisherzai)
13- Marwat
14- Ormur
15- Gigyani
16- Shalmani
17- Sherani
18- Shalmani
19- Tani
20- Turi
21- Ustarani
22- Wardak
23- Wazir
24- Zaimusht
25- Zarkun
26- Zazai (or Jaji)
27- Hazara
28- Chamkani
29- Zakha Khel Afridis
30- Kafirs of Kafiristan [Nuristan]
31- Mullagori tribe
32- Adam Khel Afridis
33- Dawar
34- Dehgans
35- Khajjak
36- Afridi
38- Tara Khel
39- Jafars
40- Mando Khel
41- Babi
42- Sherani
43- Achakzai
44- Baitani
45- Barech
46- Kasi
47- Kakar
48- Dilazak
49- Dotani
50- Niazi
51- Barak Khattaks
52- Tarin
53- Utman Khel
54- Sarwani
55- Mashwani
56- Gujar
57- Tanoli
58- Sayyids of Kunar
59- Swati
60- Tirahi Dards
61- Farmuli
62- Its Luhani or Nuhani (لوحاڼي ) , not Lawani (لواڼي)
Pashtun notables
10- Malik Samad Khan Malikdin Khel Afridi
13- The only authentic photos of Faqir of Ipi
16- Mohammad Akbar Khan
17- Mehr Dil Khattak, a Khalifa of Faqir of Ipi
18- Muhammad Akbar Khan of Hoti
19- Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Khan
20- Ghazi Dilasa Khan of Bannu
22- Pir Roshan
25- Malik Mehr Dil Mahsud (the Pashtun who rebuffed Jawaharlal Nehru and tried to slap him)
26- Umra Khan Jandul
28- Ataullah Khan Ozai-Durrani
30- Abdullah Khan Alkozai (a Pashtun governor of Kashmir)
31- Khushal Khan Khattak II ; a contemporary of Ahmad Shah Abdali
32- Shahzada Sultan Jan Saddozai
Ahmad Shah Durrani
1- Historical portraits of Ahmad Shah Durrani
2- Ahmad Shah Abdali's embassy to Beijing, China (1762)
4- Ahmad Shah Abdali hiding his face behind a bejeweled mask in 1761 : response to William Dalrymple
5- Its a local myth that Ahmad Shah Abdali conducted census of Wazir and Mahsud tribes
6- The rise and fall of the Abdali state of Herat in early 18th century
7- Debunking a malevolent statement of Jadunath Sarkar about Ahmad Shah Durrani
8- Elite ghulam corps of Ahmad Shah Abdali
9- Correspondence between Zaman Shah Durrani and Tipu Sultan
10- Pir Sabir Shah (the spiritual pir of Ahmad Shah Durrani)
12- Waris Shah has never referred to Ahmad Shah Durrani as 'Kabuli dog' in his poetry
14- The royal seal of Ahmad Shah Durrani
15- Library of Ahmad Shah Durrani
16- The flag of Ahmad Shah Durrani
Sher Shah Sur
1- Ancestral village of Sher Shah Sur in Roh (Pakhtunkhwa)
2- Praise of Sher Shah Suri by the author of Padmavat (1540 AD)
4- Roads and Sarais (inns) of Sher Shah Sur
5- Asad Umar of PTI and Sher Shah Sur's road
6- Bairam Khan and Sher Shah Sur
7- Postal system of Sher Shah Sur
8- Welfare activities of Sher Shah Sur
10- Currency reforms of Sher Shah Sur
11- The army of Sher Shah Suri
13- Gaju Khan (ګجو خان) at one point served under the banners of Sher Shah Sur In India
15- Interesting historical titbits about Sher Shah Sur
16- Sher Shah Sur also built a serai (an inn) in Makkah
Sites and Places
1- Shaikh Badin hills (Lakki Marwat-Dera Ismail Khan)
2- Nimla garden [Khogiani district, Nangarhar]
3- Bibi Mahru village [Kabul]
4- The Bridge over the Surkhab River [Nangarhar province]
5- Nowshera
6- Takht-i-Sulaiman [F.R.Dera Ismail Khan]
8- Ghazni
9- Chahar Chata Bazar [Kabul]
10- Bannu
11-Tank or Tak
12- Jalalabad
13- Islamia College [Peshawar]
14 Quetta or Kwatta'h
15- Shabqadar fort and town
16- Burj Hari Singh, Peshawar
17- Darazinda village (Dera Ismail Khan tribal Subdivision, KP)
18- The district and town of Nowshera in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is named after a 16th century Mughal fort
19- Ancestral village of Bahlul Lodi in Pakhtunkhwa
20- Qalat-i-Ghilzai
21- Kurram valley
22- Khojak tunnel
23- Bahadur Khel salt mine
24- Kurram fort
25- Girishk fort, Helmand
26- Old Kandahar
27- Tomb of Panju Khan Khajjak
28- Pre-Ghal (Waziristan)
29- Correcting Bharadwaj (aka True Indology) on the "temple gate" of Kandahar city
30- A zoo in Peshawar in early 20th century
31- Bagh-i-Sardeh, Kandahar
32 -Jamrud fort
33- Jamrud fort was built by Mughals or Sikhs?
34- Copper-smith's bazaar of Peshawar city
35- Silk market (Bazaar i Abresham Gran), Peshawar
36- The mosque and tomb of Ghulam Hussain Hazratji Baba, Kandahar
37- Gor Khatri of Peshawar city
38- Kohat fort
39- Etymology of Killa Abdullah district of Balochistan
40- Tomb of Abdul Rashid known as Bajauṛi Baba in Peshawar
42- The renaming of the 'Hindu Kush' mountains to 'Hindu-Koh' by Mughal Emperor Akbar
Non-Pashtun notables of Pakhtunkhwa
1- Akhund Darweza
History of Indo-Afghans
1- Atia mosque of Bangladesh
2- Islam Shah Sur, the forerunner of Akbar in reforms and policies
3- Excerpts from Afsana-i-Shahan
4- Barmazid Kur
5- Sultan Nasir-ud-din Ismail Shah (Malik Makh Afghan)
6- Nawab Zahid Khan Saddozai
7- Amir Khan of Tonk
8- Barmazid Kur
9- Ghulam Qadir Rohilla
10- Diler Khan Daudzai
11- Multani Afghans
12- Ahmad Khan Bangash
13- Malot fort in India, a 15th century fort built by a Pashtun
14- Hatimpur fort (a 17th century fort built by a Niazi Pashtun)
15- Mausoleum of Fateh Jang Khan (a Pashtun) in Alwar (Rajasthan, India).
16- Kusumba mosque (Bangladesh)
17- The Nuhani dynasty of Bihar
18- Pashtun soldiery and nobility of the Mughal empire
19- The role of Panni Pashtuns in Indian history
20- The Miyana (Afghan) nobles of Bijapur sultanate
21- Safdar Khan Babi
22- Rohillas, the Indo-Afghans
23- Defeat of Banda Singh Bahadur at the hands of Jalal Khan Orakzai (1710)
24- Arakan (Burma) under Afghan rule
25- Dattu Sarwani, a Pashtun soldier of early 16th century
26- Abundance and low prices during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim Lodi
27- Princess Subhan, daughter of Sultan Bahlol Lodi
28- Daud Khan Rohilla
29- Rashid Khan Ansari
30- The longest lasting Afghan dynasty in history : Lohanis of Jalore and Palanpur
31- Alam Khan Lodi (Sultan Alauddin Alam Shah)
32- The brave death of Sultan Ibrahim Lodi
33- Hemu did not declare himself an independent king
34- Baloch proteges of Najib Khan Yousafzai
35- Nawab Zahid Khan Saddozai of Multan
36- The twelve forts of Kasur
37- Daud Shah Karrani as depicted in the Mughal paintings
38- Ghulam Qadir Rohilla did not force the Mughal princesses to dance for him ; Allama Iqbal made a blunder in his poem.
39- Pashtuns in Sri Lanka
40- Nawabs of Malerkotla
41- Karrani Sultans of Bengal belonged to which part of Pakhtunkhwa/Afghanistan?
42- Origin of the Langah sultans of Multan; they were Afghan (Pashtun) or Sindhi?
43- Tafazzul Husain Khan, the Nawab of Farrukhabad
44- When Mughal emperor Akbar expressed his desire to marry a Pashtun princess
45- South or Humayun gate of Purana Qila, Delhi
46- Baoli in Bayana (Rajasthan, India), built by Khan-i-Khanan Farmuli (Pashtun)
Anglo-Afghan Wars
1- A Pashtun heroine of the First Anglo-Afghan War (1842)
2- Mohammad Akbar Khan's 1843 plan to liberate India
3- Return of a King - A critique of Dalrymple's book
4- The role of Hazaras during the First Anglo-Afghan War (1839-42)
5- Hazaras collaborated with British invaders during the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-80)
6- Maiwand and Malalai - Afghanistan's lady liberty destroy the British army on 27 July 1880
7- Captain Robert Warburton married Shah Jahan Begum [allegedly a Durrani princess] through deception and force
8- Battle of Maiwand
9- Shia Qizilbashs of Kabul corroborated with British invaders during First Anglo-Afghan war (1839-1842)
10- The account of two 19th century paintings
Military history of Pakhtunkhwa
1- The revolt of Shaikh Kamaluddin Daudzai and Khan Jahan Lodi against the Mughals
2- When Orakzais defeated the Mughal army in Tirah ( The battle of Sampagha pass , 1619 AD)
3- When Pashtun tribesmen wiped out an entire Mughal army in the Khyber Pass (1672)
4- When 6,000-strong Baloch army of Nasir Khan of Kalat was completely wiped out by Kakars
5- The wars between Panni Afghans and Mughals (1576–1617)
6- Karrapa disaster : Aimal Khan defeats Mughals [1674]
7- Pashtun–Mughal War (1672–1677)
8- Afghan–Sikh Wars (1813–1837)
9- The battle of Saragarhi – The cover-up of a failure marketed as a brave sacrifice
10- A band of Yousafzais made an attempt to conquer Chitral in 1593
11- Niazi uprising against the Sikhs (1829-1830)
12- Jihad of Haji Sahib of Turangzai and the Mohmand blockade during the First World War
13- A Turkmen who killed more than one thousand Pashtuns by boiling them alive in large cauldrons
15- British abandoned their traditional red coats and adopted Khaki uniform for their soldiers because of the dusty hills of Pakhtunkhwa
16- The conquest of Baluchistan by Shah Hussain Hotak
17- Pashtun volunteers for the India-Pakistan War of 1965
18- Account of the Kashmir War of 1947-48 by a Pashtun tribesman from Barawal in Dir who participated in it
Sikhs and Pashtuns
1- Ranjit Singh did not rule Khyber Pass and Afghanistan
2- Historical reliability and authenticity of the details concerning the Battle of Saragarhi (1897)
3- "Chup sha, Hari Singh raghlay"
4- When Hari Singh Nalwa suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Mashwanis and Saidkhanis
1- Bollywood Khans - Are they related to Pashtuns?
2- Shah Tahmasp's advice to Humayun on Pashtuns
3- Lost Tajiks or the forgotten Dards of Pakistan?
4- Allama Muhammad Iqbal Lahori and Afghanistan
5- Pata Khazana, a forgery
6- Chasing 'A boy across the river'
7- Afghanistan is not 'Graveyard of Empires'
8- Some of the disciples of Guru Nanak were Pashtuns ?
9- A thirteenth-century description of Pashtuns
10- Desecration of Pir Roshan's grave and dead body
11- Nadir Shah Afshar had hard time ruling the present-day Afghanistan
12- Guru Nanak was storekeeper of the Daulat Khan Lodi's grain before 1526
13- Description of Pashtuns by Niccolao Manucci (1638–1717)
14- Pashtuns were once principal inhabitants of Mastung (Balochistan)
15- Mir Chakar Rind : separating fiction from history
16- Nadir Shah Afshar had hard time ruling the present-day Afghanistan
17- Paolo Avitabile – The face of the brutal Sikh occupation of Peshawar
18- Nawabs of Dir
19- Pashtunistan and the Faqir of Ipi
20- Pashtun tribesmen of Kashmir War of 1948
21- Pashtun-Ottoman War (1725-1727)
22- Khalji Sultans of Delhi
23- Pashtun Soldiers who refused to fight against Ottomans during World War I
24- Excerpts from Afsana-i-Shahan
25- Roh (Medieval Pakhtunkhwa)
26- Mujahideen movement of Syed Ahmed Bareilwi
28- Response to Salman Rashid, a travel writer and a pseudo-historian
29- "Awghan" ( (اوغان)) is not a derogatory distortion of the word Afghan
30- Pashtuns in the armies of Sultan Shahabuddin Ghori and Prithviraj
31- Sikhs owed their rise in 18th century to Adina Beg Arain (a Punjabi Muslim)
32- The Khans of Lalpura (Morcha Khel Mohmands)
33- An inscription in Maharashtra state of India dated to 1626 AD mentions the toponym Afghanistan
34- The British practice of burning the dead bodies of Pashtun Ghazis
35- Ajab Khan Afridi – excerpt from "And Then the Pathan Murders"
36- Mollie Ellis, Ajab Khan Afridi and her Pashtun rescuers
37- The travel of Ottoman admiral through Pakhtunkhwa in 16th century
Pashtun culture and practices
2- Tattoo markings amongst Ghilzais
4- Shalwar Kameez is not a traditional Punjabi/Sikh dress
5- Yousaf Khan and Sher Bano (a Pashtun folktale)
6- Pashtuns used straight and heavy swords in 13th century
7- A twelfth-century description of Pashtuns
11- Pir Roshan was very fond of Music
12- Pashtuns were worshipping a giant tree in mid 12th century ?
13- Pashtun intermediaries dominated the horse trade between Central Asia and India
14- Pashtun dresses in early 19th century. Paintings by Imam Bakhsh Lahori
15- Pashtun flags bearing the insignia of blood-red hand
16- The ceremony of passing camels beneath the Quran
17- Dresses of Afghanistan in early 19th century
18- Dress and appearance of 16th-century Pashtuns during the reign of Sher Shah Suri
Dear Sir
ReplyDeletethe district administration of lower dir distric is compiling a gazetteer of this district. In this regard, histroy of dir, pictures in your collection etc are required and permission to publish them.
please contact on
dated: 7th july, 2019
Enjoyed the Blog, how can I like and subscribe to it?
ReplyDeleteThanks. I have added the follow button (you can see it in upper right corner)
DeleteThank you so much for your compilation of so many academic blogs on Pashtuns history. We need more people like you. May Allah bless you. Dera manana ror :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it. Manana for kind words.
ReplyDeleteExtremely good articles
ReplyDeleteBut I am not able to find anything on utmankhels
If there z an article about it kindly do direct me to it or please inform us if u intend to write it in future
Thank you
Kindly direct me to anything u have written about utmankhels. I havent found anything on this blog
ReplyDeleteIf there is anything online on some other website/blog kindly share its link with me
I no longer write articles on tribes but since there is not any article on the history of Utman Khels on web, I have written a short note on it (which I will expand on in future) :
DeleteEnjoying your posts keep posting and destroying myths about sikh Afghan war
ReplyDeleteDear sir
ReplyDeleteenjoyed your informative blogs.
Pir baba of buner, syed akbar shah, syed jamal baba should also be included in the list of notable personalities as well as akhoond darweza baba. kindly write a detailed blog on them.. regards
Thanks. I definitely plan to write articles about them.
DeleteKindly write a article on hafiz Alpuri baba. The first poet of Pashto who used the fables and legends in poetry. And also wrote the holy book with golden water about 250 years ago. Kindly
ReplyDeleteKindly also add an article on the 5th battalion and 40th pathan regiment who fought a great war against Nazis in world war 2. The 40th pathan regiment also fought many successful battles in africa,europ and india.
ReplyDeleteKindly write about Miyana - pathan tribe , lots of love ❤️ Love reading your blogs . Thankyou 🌹
ReplyDeleteKindly add on Miyana Pathan tribes , lots of love, love reading your blogs ❤️
ReplyDeleteAmazing work thoroughly enjoyed it
ReplyDeleteRora da book bandy Click ho download kigi na,
ReplyDeleteI have clicked on the books but not downloaded , why dear
It is a life long service
ReplyDeleteWhere is GHALZAI tribe???? this is the 2nd large Pukhtoon tribe and the the head of this tribe Mirwas baba was the founder of present Afghanistan
ReplyDeleteWhere'd the articles on pashtun tribes go? I can no longer find them.