Thursday, 22 February 2018

Bibi Haro Ana

Haro Ana, a Tihanri lady, was renowned for her virtue and she lived a virgin all her life. ln her lifetime she was credited with miraculous powers and the Wanechi Afghans made her a present of the Karbi Kach lands which were said to be in the possession of the Tihanris up to this day. On her death-bed she told her relations to bury her body on a spot by which the enemies of the Wanechis had to generally pass, assuring them that the enemies would not attempt to come that way, and if they ever did, they would suffer heavily. After her death, the body was accordingly buried at the western end of Wani, which is since called the Haro Ana Perai. This place was selected, because the Dumars (a clan of Kakars), with whom the Wanechis always had feuds, came through Wani. Since then, it is said the Wanechis have always held the upper hand over the Dumars. In circa 1860, the Dumars raided the Wanechis in Wani, and carried away a considerable number of cattle. About 200 Wanechis went in pursuit of the Dumars who were said to be about l,500. When they reached Haro Ana's shrine they all prayed to her for help. The Wanechis came upon the Dumars, attacked them, recovered all their cattle, and killed several Dumars. [1]


The Tihanris are the descendants of Toyi, a Khetran Shaikh, who married a Wanechi woman and settled in the Wanechi country. Jamait Rai in 1902 reports that the Hadianis, and Tihanris among the Wanechis are considered to be endowed with miraculous powers and they levy "Thuk" from the Wanechis ("Thuk" in Baluchistan consists of payments made to persons of religious sanctity such as Saiads). They even receive these payments from Marris in Quat Mandai and Thal. The Khura (religious payments) received by Tihanris consist of the following items.

(1). On the marriage or birth of a son. One rupee or a sheep or a goat. This is called Patka.

(2). At the time of each harvest, a pula (bundle) of wheat, rice or Jowari cut.

(3). At each harvest, one path (one seer) of grain per family.

Jamait Rai further reports that the Tihanris and Hadianis claim to possess the power of curing blights among crops; they are believed to have the power of bringing rain, and of driving off locusts. [2]


1- Loralai District Gazetteer, 1907, p-79


  1. Haro ana Came from sherani and she was the grand ana and leader of harozai sub branch of sherani tribe.

  2. I have visited a place where she is buried and the local people waniches called themselves a part of sherani tribe.
