Sunday, 11 June 2023

Portraits of Pashtuns made at Jallandhar in 1860. Selections from Toor collection.

Paintings from an album called "The people of Punjab" drawn by Sanee the 'Draftman' (a native Hindoo) from Jullunder, 1860. Toor Collection.

Check "In Pursuit of Empire: Treasures from the Toor Collection of Sikh Art" by Davinder Toor.

Pashtun warrior
A Pashtun of Jalandhar (Punjab, India) and a wandering Punjabi Khatri (on right), 1860. Original caption: ‘Old Pathan of Jalundhur & Wandering Kuthree’

Rohilla Pathan
A Rohilla Afghan (the one clad in blue dress) and a Punjabi Jat at Jalandhar, 1860. Note: Jat peasants of rural Punjab wore only loincloth with a sheet on their shoulders in 19th century. The same artist has many other paintings depicting Jat zamindars of Punjab with same dress. Gujjar cattle-herders are also depicted with similar dress. While some other Punjabis, for example Potoharis, Sikhs (many of whom were Jats by origin), Brahmans and Syeds, are well-dressed in his paintings.

Pashtun warrior on horse
A Pashtun horseman of Kabul at Jallandhar (in Punjab), 1860.  'Kabul' here refers to the vilayat, not the city of that name.

Pathans of Chhachh
Residents of Chach-Hazara, 1860 (c). A big chunk of the population of the Chach territory of Attock district, is comprised of Pashtuns and Hindko-speaking Pathans. Pashto is still spoken in some parts of Chach.

A Pashtun horseman of Kabul at Jallandhar (in Punjab), 1860.. 'Kabul' here refers to the vilayat, not the city of that name.

Kabulis, Jalandhar, Punjab, 1860 (c). From an album called "The people of Punjab" drawn by Sanee the 'Draftman' (a native Hindoo) from Jullunder, 1860. Toor Collection. The artist has given lot of attention to tiny details in his paintings. The white-bearded man has dark mark on his forehead which is caused by sajdas in prayers. The man on left is most likely a Hazara of present-day Afghanistan.

‘Kupooree Pathan’ with shield and sword, at Jalandhar, Punjab, 1860. From an album called "The people of Punjab" drawn by Sanee the 'Draftman' (a native Hindoo) from Jullunder, 1860. Toor Collection. Kapuri is located in Ambala district of Hariyana.

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