Saturday 23 April 2022

Ashraf Ali Khan, a Shia Muslim of Pashtun descent, Allahabad, 1861


Ashraf Ali Khan, a Shia Muslim of Pashtun descent, Allahabad (U.P, India), 1861.

Source: "The People of India" by Watson and Kaye. 

The family of Ashraf Ali Khan migrated from Afghanistan (Pakhtunkhwa) to India in mid-18th century and settled in Allahabad (then part of Awadh state). The ruler of Awadh in 18th century were Shias so Shia-Pakhtuns from Pakhtunkhwa/Afghanistan preferred to settle in Awadh.

Ashraf Ali Khan is "dressed in a rich blue satin coat, with silver spangles, blue Cashmere shawl, brown turban, and yellow Paejamahs; height five feet nine inches."

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