Friday 29 April 2022

A group of Zakha Khel Afridis, 1905

A group of Zakha Khel Afridis, 1905 (c). 

Photo by Randolph Bezzant Holmes. 

The image caption from "India Illustrated" (published in 1905) is as follow: "These truculent tribesmen were the last section of the Afridis to submit in the Tirah Expedition in 1897-1898. During the Campaign they gave a lot of trouble owing to their guerilla tactics. They proved themselves excellent marksmen, and almost to a man were armed with breech-loaders of modern manufacture. This powerful clan could probably put from four to five thousand fighting men in the field."

Caption: "Typical Zakka Khel Villages. Their villages, several of which were destroyed during the last expedition, are enclosed by thick stone and mud-built wall, and all have strongly fortified towers. Some are inaccessible to artillery. It is not an uncommon occurrence for one village to be for months at a deadly feud with another owing to internal quarrels in regard to their women-folk, or, of what is of less consequence to them, 'blood money.'" This image is from the book "India illustrated: being a collection of pictures of the cities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, together with a selection of the most interesting buildings and scenes throughout India," published by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.


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