Thursday 10 February 2022

Daulatzai tribe

Sher Jan, son of the Malik of the Daulatzai, Afghanistan, 1931. Photo taken by Citroen Trans Asiatic 

Daulatzai belongs to the confederation of Ghilzai tribes, though its status is somewhat controversial. According to Afghan genealogists the Daulatzay constitute merely a section of the Ṣaleḥḵhel subtribe of the Suleiman Khel tribe (Ḥayat-i-Afghani, p. 164; Tarikh-i-Khurshidjahan, p. 214). Although most Daulatzai acknowledge the connection, it has been reported that the Suleiman Khel do not (Robinson, p. 159), considering the Daulatzai an independent, non-Ghilzai tribe.

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