Saturday 29 January 2022

"The capture of a Mohmand raider", 1908

A Pashtun belonging to Mohmand tribe captured by British in 1908
"The capture of a Mohmand raider", 1908. From "The Sphere" newspaper.

Caption: "The Zakka Khel people, crushed by the recent expedition, have ceased raiding in British Territory for the time being but have handed on their restless spirit to near neighbours, the Mohmands, who lately have committed several raids in British territory. Gangs of these raiders swoop down suddenly at night on villages known to contain wealthy Hindy banniahs, and closing all exits from the village they loot and burn a few houses, then, scattering in groups of two's and three's, disappear as rapidly as they come. The raider shown here was captured thirty miles from "Peshawar."
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