
Thursday 3 September 2020

Mohammad Akbar Khan's letter to the ruler of Bhawalpur

"The letter that follows was written by Mahomed Akbar Khan to the Nawab of Bahawalpoor. Bahawalpoor was formerly part of the Durrani empire. The letter indicates an Afghan plan to retaliate against the British invasion of their land:

Translation of a letter from Mohamad Akbar Khan to Nawab Bhawul Khan of Bhawalpur 8th March 1843

(After compliments) 
Let me offer thousand praises for having kept yourself safe and secure from the English and others. Let this be your high praise relations of friendship and amity have always subsisted between your and my ancestors ... 
On the contrary (please god) these mutual relations will be more and more improved whatever agreement and promises Vizeer Futteh Khan may have formed with your father shall with all zeal be acted on. I am in daily anxious expectation of the arrival of my protector my father and as soon as under the auspices of God he arrives safe at this place my uncle Jabur Khan shall be sent to Derah Ghazee Khan for he is well acquainted with that country and is an experienced officer show him every kindness. Place perfect reliance on whatever he may tell you and act upon it and be very consistent together carry into execution the undertaking which you understand that you (ensure)... all please God it will be well done. There is no difference between us and never shall be. Be quite assured besides is now said that Mackeson a Feringhee “is in friendship with you and is with you, I would therefore suggest that if by any means on any pretext he can be turned out, you should do it without the least hesitation. You are yourself aware of the ways of the English and how deceitful they are you should continue to write to me and reply fully to this. 
Akbar Khan”

The Nawab of Bahawalpoor duly sent the letter to the British authorities without even reading it.

Excerpt from  "Afghanistan in the Age of Empires" (2018) by Farrukh Husain, page-368

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