
Thursday 10 May 2018

A 17th century account of Balochs

A 17th century account of Balochs by Niccolao Manucci (1638–1717), an Italian writer and traveller who worked in the Mughal court. ;

""There is also another race called Baloche, who dwell on the farther side of the river Ravi, near the city of Multan, and as far as the confines of Persia. In this territory are many camels, which they bring for sale into the Mughal country. Usually they are expert camel-drivers, and serve everyone in that capacity. They wear long locks of hair, and are of a dark, ruddy complexion. During the march they sing as they ride their camels. These men never look for service as soldiers at the king's court ; only a few of their superior men act as governors and faujdars near their own country. This race can place in the field fifteen thousand horse and much infantry. Within their own country they are good soldiers, and they prevented Prince Akbar from invading the Mughal realm at the time he was helped by Shah 'Abbas. They are of the religion of the Mughals, and without a prince. " [Storia Do Mogor: Or, Mogul India,Vol-2, pp.454-455] "

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