
Friday 4 November 2016


Akhund Darweza’s (d. 1638) Makhzanul Islam (written between 1603 and 1612). A verse in this book reads:

پختونخواپه مثال شپه وه، دې ډيوه وه په اندهير کښې
(Translation: Pakhtunkhwa was like a night and he [Pir Baba Syed Ali Termezi] was like a candle).

Khushal Khan Khattak (1613 – 1689) Pakhtun warrior, poet and tribal chief of the Khattak tribe wrote in his book “Kulyat Khushaal Khan Khattak” writes

نوره واړه پختونخوا په ځائي مېشتۀ وه
خو يو زه دې زمانې په کښې منصور کړم
(Translation: The whole Pakhtunkhwa stood in its place, only I was made Mansur by time)

Similarly, the often-quoted two lines of a poem by Ahmad Shah Abdali  (1723-1773), mention Pakhtunkhwa as the land of the Pashtuns or Pakhtuns. Here are the lines:
ده ډيلي تخت هېرووم چې راپه ياد کړم
زما د خپلې پختونخوا د غرو سرونه
(Translation: I forget my Delhi throne when I recall the mountain peaks of my own Pakhtunkhwa)

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