
Sunday 19 June 2016

Red Shirts threat against the persons who dared to vote in Referendum and observance of "Pathanistan" (Intelligence Report, July 1947)

(Intelligence Report)
The Red Shirts continued its efforts to boycott the referendum , and in certain areas , such as Shabqadar, threats were made that severe action would be taken against persons who dared to vote, minor cases of intimidation during the referendum were reported, "Pathanistan Day" was observed in Peshawar City on 6th July, when a large number of Red Shirt supporters collected at Peshawar. A number of them were carrying fire-arms, but were dissuaded from taking it into Peshawar City by Dr.Khan Sahib , Premier of the North-West Frontier province.
At the numerous meetings held during the week , Red Shirt speakers reiterated the demand for a Pathanistan state which would form a separate homeland for Pathans, Speakers expressed their belief that Punjabis would swamp Pathans in the dominion of Pakistan.
During the course of a procession in Peshawar city on 4th July, a disturbance occurred in the Gunj bazar , where stones were thrown, and three shots were fired in the air by members of the procession, and some damage was caused in the house of Burhanud Din , pleader. On 5th July , a stabbing affray took place at the Fawara Chowk , Peshawar cantonments, in which the accused are the Red Shirts. The quarrel took place when Red Shirts were referred to by members of the opposite party as "tomatoes". At a meeting held at Pabbi, Peshawar district, on 8th July, Dil Khan, a Muslim league supporter, mounted the stage after Abdul Ghafar Khan had finished his speech and challenged the latter to discuss the Pakistan question with the Pir of Manki . Red Shirts grappled with him ,  but the police intervened and restored peace. (Source: North West Frontier Province Police Abstract of intelligence 7 July 1947, pp-100 NDC Acc.No .S.407)

Extracted from book: "The Referendum in N.W.W.P, 1947 ; a documentary record, p-155"

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